Year 4 began their new topic in English, studying the retold story of Beowulf, by Michael Morpurgo. We have been reading through the book, picking out any phrases that stand out, and looking out for alliteration.

The children then began planning their own kenning poems, retelling Grendel’s attack, without ever naming the beast! Watch this space for finished results!

J.H. kindly brought in some fossils from home, some of which he has found and some he has been given. It was a fantastic end to our topic, and the children loved studying such detailed fossils so close up!

Forest School this week was an extremely delicious session! The children started by whittling some sticks to make small spears, before peeling an apple each and piercing it with their whittled sticks.

The children then had to heat the apples, until they were nice and juicy so the brown sugar would stick to it. After that, it was a repetitive process of roast on the fire, dip in sugar, roast, dip, etc…

They crisped up very nicely, and we were left with toffee apples! Which as i’m sure you can imagine, were thoroughly enjoyed by all!