That you might like to see our photos from our trip to the National Space Centre:
And that our bird feeders were something else! We have had a wonderful time looking for birds through our binoculars and making deluxe bird feeders for them. We used left over Christmas pudding, cheese, lard, cranberries and bird seed.

We have been looking at multiplication in maths this week and here we are playing a game with a partner to make different arrays. This helps us to understand that repeated addition is the same as multiplication.

We have enjoyed correcting Miss Gardner’s very good examples of how not to write a sentence during our grammar lessons:

Following our wonderful visit to the National Space Centre this week, we decided to use our skills to recreate an astronaut in outer space. We used paint and oil pastels.

We have had a good purge on the importance of using our manners this week. During our PSHE lesson we were given different scenarios to discuss and thought about how to behave using our very best manners and behaviour. Some very interesting discussions and acting out of the scenarios took place.