Nursery and Pre-School welcomed some very special visitors into the setting today. Zog accompanied by Squadron Leader Ed Berwick, popped in to talk to us about Remembrance and why we wear poppies. The children listened intently to how Zog and RAF Chinook helicopters do similar air ambulance type jobs. Both help people in need, bringing doctors and medicine and transporting them to hospital. We heard how we wear poppies to show that we are thinking about all the brave soldiers who worked really hard to keep us and our country safe. Sqn Ldr Berwick brought in some of his RAF kit to show us, including all the various hats he has to wear as part of his uniform, and even his extra special flying helmet (which we discovered also has super cool sunglasses!). The children had great fun trying everything on! According to the children though, the only thing missing was the Chinook itself. If the Copthill alpaca, goats, pigs and sheep don’t mind scooching over and sharing their field for a morning (and of course they don’t mind a bit of a breeze), Zog thought that that is perhaps something that could be arranged for next time!