The Y3&4 boys took part in their annual hockey house matches on Thursday 21st March.
Each house played their opposing houses twice and scores were accumulated accordingly. After the first couple of rounds, the houses were very even. However, after the 4th round of matches Burghley had won 2, scoring a lot of goals and looked clear favourites to win, although there was still a few rounds to go and anything could happen.
In the latter round of the tournament, most matches were 0-0 which meant Burghley came away triumphant, taking 1st place! The other 3 houses were extremely close with Casewick finishing 2nd and 3rd equal was Milton and Lindsey.
This brings an end to the hockey season and the boys will now move on to cricket, where they will hopefully be practising in some capacity next week, weather dependent……..!
Well done to all the boys in Year 3&4.
Mr Smith