We’ve had a jam-packed couple of weeks in Year 4! Last week, the year group went on a fantastic trip to Woburn Safari Park.
After an early morning set off, we began with a drive-through experience of the zoo, where the monkeys were climbing all over the coach!

We saw so many different animals, including lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, goats, sea lions and meerkats.

After some detailed knowledge given by an extremely knowledgeable zookeeper, we were even able to feed the ginormous giraffes!

It was an amazing day, and was thoroughly enjoyed by both students and teachers.

The next day, Year 4 attended another Hockey and Rugby festival, held at at Brooke Priory in Oakham. Despite the extremely wet weather, they played fantastically and came away with multiple successes. Head over to the sports blog to hear more about it and see some more pictures!
In English this week, we have been studying The Journey by Aaron Becker, and working on our inference skills. The students were asked to write speech aligning with the short silent video, and then we acted out each scene. Year 4’s acting skills are top notch!

This week, we have been building up to an exciting visitor! Gareth Davies, our local MP, kindly came into school to give a talk to Year 4, which was a great finale to our Law and Order, Rules and Rights topic.
The children had the opportunity to hear him talk about his life as an MP and what that entails, and then were able to ask questions. It must’ve reminded him slightly of Prime Minister’s Question time!
We all learnt so much about what life is like in the Houses of Parliament, and even heard some stories about Mr. Davies’ meetings with Rishi Sunak and the King!
The students asked some terrific questions, and Mr. Davies taught us all a lot about what an MP’s job involves. There are definitely some budding politicians in our midst!