Another blustery yet busy week here in Year 2! 2D took advantage of the weather and learnt about the importance of wind for energy and then set to making windmills! Oh what fun they had out on the top field with their windmills in hand. They were whirring like billio! A quick slurp of hot chocolate made with sea water along with eel and octopus biscuits finished the session off in a true pirate style!

2G have been busy preparing for our Pirate Day by making wonderful bandanas in their Forest School session this week. They had a wonderful time foraging for blackberries for the dye. They made a magnificent tie dye which really enhanced their bandanas!

This week we have been using atlases to locate at the 7 Continents of the world and the 5 Oceans of a world map. The children enjoyed using the index to find the relevant pages and find other places of interest!

In maths the children have been ordering numbers and writing the correct word names for each number. There has also been a focus on number bonds and using and finding answers to the terms of more and less, greater than and less than. A little bit of ‘double trouble’ and bingo have helped along the way!

Madagascar has been a focus in our Land Ahoy topic this week – not the films, but the importance of the island to Pirates within the 17th and 18th century. The children have learnt about its location in the world, the key features of the island, its wildlife and climate. They worked in pairs to complete a factsheet sharing their learning and understanding of the island.

The independent learning task this half term is to build/create a pirate ship using whatever materials that the children have available. A couple of ships have started to sail into school; we are hoping to see them all before we break up for half term. So far they are pretty impressive and their owners have shared them with great pride and explanation. Look at the wonder and astonishment of their audience!

We also had another treat this week – a recent birthday boy brought in his favourite present that he had built in a matter of days. The detail and demonstration was very impressive. Lego has certainly come a long way! Suspension, folding seats, mechanics under the bonnet, axles – unbelievable!!