Last week the children in Year 2 designed their own pirate flags and this week they followed their plans carefully to make them out of material. They did such a fantastic job and if they came up against an obstacle such as not finding the right colour fabric, they adapted their designs and made a note of any changes they made. The children were super proud of their work.

In English this week the children practised their sentence structure, ensuring that they included capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in all of their sentences. They were then challenged to improve their sentences by including adjectives and then extended themselves further by including a verb and a noun. They based their sentences around pirates and produced some exciting sentences. In maths this week, the two groups joined together to explore maths activities on My Maths. They worked brilliantly in their pairs and really enjoyed the games that they played, testing their knowledge and understanding of number bonds, number sequences and addition and subtraction calculations.

In 2G’s creative curriculum lesson we were talking about pirate ships and the children were looking into why objects float. They tested out items from the classroom that were made out of different materials. They made great predications – some accurate and some that surprised us all!

Alongside a busy pirate themed week, 2D visited the bees in their forest school lesson whilst 2G worked in teams to made pirate ships out of natural materials. They had fun watching the diggers at work on the new tennis court and got to say hello to the visiting paramedics and explore the ins and outs of an ambulance.