Some of the boys from Y5 & Y6 took part in the ISA Rugby festival at Colchester Rugby Club on Friday 17th November.
The U10’s played 6 matches in total, winning 6 and losing 1. They played some outstanding rugby and were ready from from the first match. They should be really pleased with their performances and played really well as a team. There was some excellent tackling on show and they demonstrated some brilliant attacking rugby.
The U11’s played 7 matches in total, winning 3, drawing 2 and losing 2. There were some very strong teams in this age group but the boys showed great effort and determination to try and match them. They developed their confidence and certainly grew into the matches as the festival progressed. Their attacking play was very good and the tackling improved in every match.
Well done to all the boys who represented Copthill.
Mr Smith, Mr Willson & Mrs Underwood