Term Dates / Calendar

One of the characteristics of the Copthill Learner is the ability to be a team player, our children thrive in their respective houses

Burghley, Casewick, Lindsey & Milton

One of the characteristics of the Copthill Learner is the ability to be a team player. Pupils from Reception to Year 6, and all members of staff, are proud to belong to one of the four school houses.

During house events, pupils wear a house badge on their blazer or sports shirts, in the colour of their house. Relationships between older members of each house are strengthened because pupils in Years 4 – 6 sit with their housemates whilst they eat lunch. Year 6 House Captains are elected by their teachers.

House points are collected by pupils in Years 4 – 6 for their team, and there’s always great excitement when the winner of the House Points Shield is announced at the end of every term.

House events are an important way in which to promote togetherness, a sense of belonging and a spirit of friendly

House events include:

  • House picnics
  • Singing competitions
  • Chess tournaments
  • Spelling Bees
  • Sports tournaments, including Siege and Tug of war