The Copthill Campus
“Our son has been exposed to a ‘plethora of wonderfulness’ during his years at Copthill!”
A Past Copthill Parent

Discovery and Inspiration
Much of what we do at Copthill is about discovery, and this is underpinned by the school ethos and environment, both in and out of the classroom.
Our campus combines stimulating classrooms and the latest educational technology with inspiring outdoor locations that turn theory into practice, and areas which create excitement and enthusiasm in our children about their learning.
We have a science lab, music pods, dance and art facilities, as well as a fort, outdoor kitchen, forest school and WW1 trench, and we continually add more to the site to enhance our children’s education and understanding.

The Great Copthill Map
Take a look around the Copthill Map to see some of our exciting learning areas.
Places of Wonder
Copthill’s location offers access to a variety of wonderful learning and play environments that allow our children to obtain a perspective on life, work and the world around them that few of their age are lucky enough to experience.
The outdoors is intrinsically built into the curriculum, everyday life and ethos of the school. Lessons in the classroom are developed further in the grounds, from learning about history in a re-creation of a WW1 trench and applying scientific fundamentals when building bridges, to performing Shakespeare in our woodland theatre.
Through lessons, sport, camping, cooking and exploring, these places of wonder play an integral part of the Copthill experience.

The Riverside
The school uses the whole length of the riverside for cross country and other outdoor activities. There is also a safe beach area used for wildlife watching, river studies, rafting and canoeing throughout the year.
The Fort
The view from the fort ‘Copthillelot’ provides the children with a great view of the school! It is used for playtimes, overnight camps and our very own house tactical contest called ‘Siege’.
The Tipi Garden
This area consists of a pond, large sandpit, Tipi and Yurt which are used for outdoor lessons with all age groups. There is also an outdoor kitchen for frequent cooking projects and end of day stories.
Our Laavu provides a sheltered area overlooking the River Welland which is frequently used for creative activities, storytelling and drama lessons.
The Farm
Situated on a working farm the buildings and arable land are often used by the children. There is an extensive climbing wall and additional wilderness areas, including ‘Deadman’s Island’ which is a popular attraction on the cross country course!
‘Back in time’
Throughout the extensive site, learning resources have been created to inspire the children and enhance their learning experiences. A World War I trench system, an Anderson air raid shelter, Roman Road, Saxon Village, gravel pit for fossil hunting and a Roman archaeological site are also used to support curriculum studies.