A significant quantity of bones were uncovered whilst digging a pit on the farm. It soon became obvious that they were human bones which led to visits from the Police and forensics! It was thankfully quickly established that they were pre industrial revolution and the next visitor was the County archaeologist. His conclusion was that they were very old and possibly bronze age as similar sites have been found locally. A few fragments of pottery have been found at the site too. The site has been recorded and the bones are to be reburied near where they were found. As part of that record Year 5&6 have spent the afternoon studying the bones from both an archaeological and biological perspective. Their discovery was that there was more than one body! An amazing Copthill opportunity for real life learning! The children showed great maturity and sensitivity and found the project fascinating.
After half term a professional archaeologist will be visiting Copthill to lead a hands-on investigation into some local Roman finds! Further discoveries await!