Exploring the changes of seasons provides a wonderful opportunity for igniting children’s interest in the world around them. Nursery and Pre School have been thinking carefully about what autumn is and the signs of autumn that we are able to see all around us. The children have been exploring autumnal themed sensory tuff trays and sharing stories about autumn such as, ‘The Leaf Thief’ and ‘Hello Autumn”. We have also been engaging in either collaborative or individual art work, which we look forward to displaying in our upcoming ‘Harvest in the Woods’ celebration. We have also been particularly busy ‘conker rolling’ and decorating autumnal leaves.
The season of autumn continues to be reinforced in our forest school sessions. Here the children have been focusing on hibernation and which animals hibernate through the winter months. They have been very busy building their own animal dens and nests to keep their salt dough hedgehogs warm through the winter months.
Both the Nursery and Pre School children have also been taking lots of walks around the wider school this week to explore the wonderful facilities on offer. Pre School children have been treated to story time in both the fort and yurt. We have been very impressed with how responsible the children have been walking around the school.
In class, Pre School children have been looking at correctly identifying numerals 1-5 and counting out corresponding objects. The children continue to learn to recognise their name as part of their new self-registration morning routine, whilst in Nursery the children also continue their new self-registration routines by identifying their name and picture. All the children have met ‘Responsible Bear’, our final school rule teddy.