Term Dates / Calendar

That’s not my tractor…

Regrettably neither Old MacDonald nor John Deere were available in their very busy schedules to pootle down to Pre-School and give us all a spin on their tractors this week. However, Farmer Rachel’s trusty blue tractor, fondly known as Lucy the Landrini, having finished her to-do list ahead of time, was only too excited to save the day and come and be parked up by the Copthill chickens for tours and thorough inspections!

Pre-School were amazed by how big the wheels were, and how high we were when we sat in the cab behind the steering wheel! It was great when we were able to beep the loud horn, press the switches to light up the orange beacon on the roof and even set off the cool flashing lights! We were very tempted to go for a little drive but we didn’t want to miss lunch! 

Some of our friends have tractors at home and it was lovely to hear all about the diverse jobs that these hard-working vehicles do around different types of farms. It inspired a lot of us to want to take a ride on a tractor one day! I shall let Old MacDonald know for next time!

Thank you for stopping by Lucy!

That’s not my tractor…, Copthill School