What a wonderful celebration of string playing we enjoyed at the culmination of the Year 2 string project. Both classes performed to thir friends in Year One and Year 5 showing their skills learnt over the past 10 weeks. Our Year 2 members of Nova Strings also performed showing what can be achieved at the next level and we were then treated to a performance by our Year 4 group string players who have been learning in groups for the last 10 weeks following their string whole class project at the beginning of the year. What awesome progress these young players have made. It’s a very exciting time for Strings at Copthill with such a development in the department made possible by our talented Ms Llewellyn.
From the beginning of the Year 2 whole class project where we learnt about our instruments with a special visit from Libby Summers to learning the resting and playing positions to learning how to play pizzicato before learning how to use the bow to finally performing four of our favourite songs to an audience! Here we are: