Year 3 ventured out into the bracing cold Lincolnshire air and made GOAL their aim for the day! We learnt all about short multiplication and kept ourselves warm by running in the forest to collect numbers! Once we went back to the warmth of our classroom we were able to put all that knowledge to the test! Great problem solving Year 3!

It’s all back to the 60’s in Retro club this week! A brand new club where we travel through the decades sampling food, dancing to the music of the time, playing games and learning about major events of the decade! Angel delight and spam sandwiches are the order of the day next week! 😋
Not only do we humans need to stay warm during these cold days our little friends who live outdoors need to as well! 3F enjoyed a crisp afternoon outside in our surroundings searching for signs of habitats as part of their science topic.