Wow, I can’t believe the weather held out! Whilst it wasn’t a scorcher like we’ve had in previous years, the rain held off and it was warm enough to compete in our colourful house polos.
We started with Reception and Year 1 and what a curtain raiser. The children were just wonderful, all partaking in every event and wearing a smile throughout. Close races in the sprints, giggles in the egg and spoon and some phenomenal technique in the skipping for some so young. Our first winners were Burghley.
Year 2 & 3 were up next and really ready to entertain the crowd! I always love to see how often different children win the different disciplines and the camaraderie was evident throughout. Children cheering for their houses, encouraging their friends and the excitement really ramped up when the parents got involved. Our second winners of the day were Milton.
Then we have the finale, the Year 4,5&6 competing in their more athletic based sports day. The children each chose three events; two track and one field or two field and one track. The relay was then an additional event for the fastest two girls and boys in each house in each year group. There were some wonderful displays across all events. From the highs of children breaking sports day records to the lows of taking a tumble or not registering a throw or a jump, they always supported each other and it was wonderful to have such a parent body around the field too. 6 records were broken and many more so very close! After the demonstration of raw speed from the parents to draw the event to a close, we found out that this year’s winner was Casewick!
Well done to all of the children who took part. Sports days are a huge undertaking and I couldn’t run such events without a wonderful team around me. So thank you to everyone, including the visiting students from Bourne Grammar School for putting on three superb events.
I am biased, but it’s one of my favourite events of the school year!
Mrs Alcoran