“You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”
To finish the term off in scrummy Christmassy style, Pre-School donned their terrific toques to bake and decorate their very own gingerbread biscuits! The whole of the Early Years Department smelled simply d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s this week as the aroma of ginger and biscuit wafted down the corridor and into the classrooms. It certainly made everyone feel very peckish!
The children rolled out the dough with rolling pins, used cookie cutters to make their gingerbread men shapes and then off to the oven they went! Once the baking timer pinged, a few brave volunteers strategically stood guard as the oven door was reopened, just in case…but luckily none of the biscuits tried to run for it! It was then deemed safe enough to leave the gingerbread men alone to cool before our little bakers mixed up some icing sugar (for sticking purposes) and then diligently added smarties for buttons, raisins for eyes and strawberry laces for mouths. Finally, our mouth-watering biscuits were packed up ready to be taken home…I’m just not sure how many made it back for sharing!