Year 4 have been studying ‘colour poetry’ this week. We first looked at some examples in the lovely book “I am the seed that grew the tree”, where each day of the year has a different colour poem associated with it! We then began using our five senses to describe different colours, and afterwards started forming sentences describing the colour and ending the sentences with rhyming words that the children had already matched up, to create poetry.

In groups, the children were given a picture of an orange object, which they then had to write a short poem about. The other groups then had to try and guess what the object was. There were some fantastic describing words, and every single object was guessed! Why not see if you can guess some objects from the poems below!

Later in the week, the children started to plan their own colour poems. They were asked to each pick a colour, and then create a mind map of ideas surrounding this colour, using their senses. Next week, the children will begin writing their poems, and we’re looking forward to hearing what they come up with!

On Thursday, we had our second Hockey and Rugby festival, which was at Stamford this week. Head on over to our sport blog to see some pictures and hear some more about how it went!
At the end of the week, we opened up Copthill for the Parents’ Welcome Morning, so year 4 thought we would show off our balanced argument skills by having a couple of mini debates! Surprisingly, “This house believes that the voting age should be lowered to 12” was not that popular amongst the children, who were more interested in “Is it okay to keep animals in zoos?”!