So this week we decided it be about time we pirates made ourselves a boat… We set about finding useful items to put our boats together. It was tremendous fun and some fabulous boats were built. The children decided that it was a good opportunity to try out walking the plank! We also had a bit of fun wearing our tie-dye bandanas which will be transformed next week…

A few more team challenges in maths this week which involved looking for patterns in numbers and putting numbers together to complete a 100 number square. We also looked at counting on to help us with our addition work.


We have been looking at the different terrain within islands and positioning them on our wonderful pirate maps. We also identified the differing terrains within the island of Madagascar and used a key on our maps to help others to locate them.

In art, the designers created their pirate flags from their designs. A wonderful time was had by all searching through the boxes of scrap materials to find their favourite pieces to make up their designs. As you can imagine we did spend quite a long time tidying up! Look at our results! Fabulous flags aren’t they?!