Term Dates / Calendar

Marching Band Practice

Attention! Left, right, left, right, left, right…

Pre-School have been busy showing off to the Grand Old Duke of York and his ten thousand men, as they have professionally, tirelessly and repeatedly marched to the Fort at the top of the hill and back down again this week! 

Following our drum major, the children have been parading to the beat with their best marching legs and arms, giving it some welly as they’ve shook and rocked their shakers in time to our melodious musical renditions of ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’. The shakers were up when we were up, down when we were down and only halfway up when we were neither up nor down! We definitely got our daily steps in with all the goings up and down like yo-yos! The Grand Old Duke and his ten thousand men were most impressed, even the Copthill sheep and alpacas stopped in their tracks to watch the marching melee! The Duke was keen to recruit us but, apologising profusely, we politely declined, citing that lunch waits for no one, not even a majestic marching band like us!

All little (and big!) parading legs have earned some well deserved R&R (and lunch!) now for sure!

Marching Band Practice, Copthill School