Year 4 had a visit from our local MP, Alicia Kearns, who discussed life as a politician, working in Westminster and how she can make changes in our local area. It was an interesting and thought-provoking visit and she answered many different questions such as ‘How will you improve Stamford and Rutland’, ‘What was your favourite subject at school’ and ‘Have you met Larry the cat’?! We were so grateful that Alicia came in to speak to the children and she conveyed how passionate she was about helping her constituents only a daily basis.

On Tuesday, Year 4 had an exciting trip to Oakham Museum and Castle. It was a fabulous trip, where the children learnt about crime and punishment in Rutland 200 years ago. They compared punishments with today and discovered that conditions were far harsher back then than they are today! They were shocked by some of the punishments that were allowed in schools only 50 years ago! Following our trip to the museum, we walked to Oakham Castle and were astounded by the number of horse shoes that have been gifted to the castle over the years, the first being given by Edward IV. The children were lucky enough to take part in a mock trial about ‘Joe Bloggs’, who had poached and trespassed. After being questioned by the prosecution and defence, he was found guilty by our jury and sentenced to transportation to Australia with hard labour by our judge!