What a wonderful time we have had making gonks for ourselves and each other! It was a beautiful day for our sessions in the woods this week. We improved our skills using hand tools – sawing using a bow saw and whittling using sharp knives. We were very careful to follow instructions to ensure that we kept ourselves out of any harm! Look at our wonderful gonks! We made one for ourselves and one to give away to a member of staff of our choice. What a pleasure it was to bring to others!

We dived into collage and painting this week in our art lessons. Look at our wonderful under the water divers and the rising waves. The children took great delight in mixing colours for their work and enjoyed adding underwater creatures.

We started our new topic ‘Zero to Hero’ this week. Our first heroine is Bethany Hamilton. Our researched revealed the incredible strength, resilience and determination that Bethany had to achieve her dreams as a professional surfer after suffering a shark attack at the age of 13.

In Religious Education this week we learnt about Diwali which means ‘rows of lighted lamps’. It is celebrated by Hindu people across the world between October and November. Diwali is known as the ‘festival of lights’ because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small oil lamps called ‘diyas’. Diwali is also celebrated in Sikhism and Jainism. Here are our sparkly colourful diyas: