Pre-School have been embracing their inner wintry van Goghs this week as they have investigated painting ice blocks with watercolours! The amazing Copthill Catering Team kindly prepared our icy canvases in the school kitchen freezer for us (as Mrs Berwick’s freezer is nowhere near big enough!) and once delivered via warm gloves (safety first and all that!) the children with their paintbrushes at the ready got cracking and created the most refreshing works of art! The effects of melting ice and all sorts of watercolours were truly mesmerising and the results are something to behold! Carefully watching the ice as it was slowly melting whilst painting was simply fascinating and led many children to conversations about water’s different states. With our scientific lab coats and goggles now on and having explored the science behind the art, the children were officially declared ‘Ice Experts’ and promoted to helping the Catering Team with the freezing of some more water for our next day’s ice painting exhibition! Quick everyone, enjoy Pre-School’s masterpieces, before they’re gone!