We have had a lovely week with our new classes; getting to know each other and finding out about the exciting things that we all did over the summer holiday.
Here are 2G:

We went on a great exploration during our Outdoor Learning session; we visiting the school’s vegetable garden and found the most enormous pumpkins, spotted sheaths of corn, enjoyed tasting rocket, Nasturtium flowers, basil and beans whilst identifying other fruit and vegetables. We looked for signs of Autumn on our walk whilst identifying many trees using our leaf guide. The session was finished off by nipping into the Anderson shelter and having a good look in the pond for pond life!

In art, we had great fun looking at different items of clothing and accessories required to transform ourselves into pirates. We are pretty certain that we did a convincing job!

We have been looking at numbers – bonds, ordering, place value, odds and evens and counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10s.

We have taken a few of our maths lessons outside this week.

We talked about what we consider to be fair and unfair during our PSHE lesson. This led us to have some very interesting and sensible discussions.