We have had a fantastic final week at Copthill before half term, celebrating Harvest!
Each year group has been practicing extremely hard for our Harvest festivals, which have been taking place throughout the week.

In Year 4, we had our service in Uffington Church on Tuesday morning, and it was lovely to have the children’s friends and family come along to join in!
The children all walked down to the church, and then the service began. Father Aran gave a beautiful, autumnal service, and all of the children participated – be it from carrying the cross and candles during the procession, doing a reading, or joining in with the year group’s Harvest song ‘Autumn Days’.

There was a lovely reading, read by a Year 4 student, before the Year 3/4 choir sang ‘The Earth is Yours’, which was beautifully conducted by Mrs. Over.

One child from each class in Year 3 and 4 presented the Harvest Baskets for the foodbank.

Everyone then joined in, and we all sang ‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’.

Finally, four students read our Harvest Prayer.

The service concluded with a blessing, before we all returned to school.
What a joyful end to our first half term of the 2023/24 academic year, and we’re looking forward to welcoming everyone back in a couple of weeks for next half term!