Term Dates / Calendar

Happy Faces!

There have been SO many happy faces in Pre- School this week! 

The children have been looking carefully into mirrors at their faces and features, making sure to pick the right paint for their skin and the right colour wool for their hair. Special sticker eyes were then selected and coloured in before the finishing touches of big smiles were added to complete their fab masterpieces! These wonderfully happy faces are now decorating the outside of our classroom and I must say, are all making the rest of us smile too!

Pre- School have also been showing us their happy faces as we supported British Farming Day this week. We saw HUGE excited smiles when the big, blue tractor came to visit and the children even had a turn at steering the wheel… whilst parked up!

Did someone say blackberries? Yes, Pre- School are also now professional blackberry pickers and even more so professional blackberry eaters! We have been enjoying strolls to locate the biggest and juiciest blackberries all week, and by the state of everyone’s faces, I can for definite conclude that great success was had and that more blackberries went into tummies (and onto faces) than into baskets! Yum!