Our professional Recycling Detectives found a spare 5 minutes from their busy saving-the-world schedule of litter picking, cleaning water, cycling not driving, tidying up big messes and cheerleading Superworm(!) to do a spot of gardening this week as they have been learning all about the different things they can do to help look after our planet and why it’s so important to do so. We might only be 3 and 4 year olds, but we’ve got this! We can still make a BIG impact!
The children discovered that planting seeds helps take care of our environment as plants help keep the air we breathe clean. So of course Pre-School planted their very own cress seeds! First they filled their pots to just over half-way with compost. Next, cress seeds were sprinkled on top. Another little layer of soil was then added and gently patted down to put the seeds to bed (all nice and cosy!) before being given a little drink of water. Our cress seeds are now sleeping on the windowsill with a 5* luxury view of the quad as we await with fresh(!) and bated breath for something to happen…we are keeping our eyes peeled, the 24 hour water station manned and all our green fingers and thumbs crossed for some tasty homemade egg & cress sandwiches in the not-so-distant future! Something Alan Titchmarsh would be proud of I reckon!