What a pet-tastic week it’s been! So much so, it’s definitely worth bleating about! Pre-School were so lucky to have some extra special V.I.Ps (Very Important Pets) pop in to visit and we absolutely loved having them to stay and play.
Julie from our animal farm brought Mocha the Pygmy goat round and after telling us how she looks after him, the children took turns feeding him his elevenses and giving him a wonderfully relaxing brush. All the snacks and love made Mocha feel so good he didn’t want to leave this amazing spa retreat!
Alfie introduced us to his tortoise Bowser, who is only 2 years old so the experts still don’t know whether Bowser is a boy or a girl. The children noticed Bowser’s little legs and felt how hard the shell was. Lots of giggles could be heard as Bowser enjoyed a game of peek-a-boo, hiding away every-so-often!
Having heard how much Mocha enjoyed the 5* Early Years Spa Retreat, Dotty the Shetland pony wanted a slice of it too. The children gently stroked her nose and noticed how big her eyes were and what beautiful long eyelashes she had! Dotty cheekily stuck out her tongue to munch on the yummy treats which made everyone chuckle too!
The news that Pre-School have proved themselves to be very good pet owners (officially adding professional zoologists to their C.V.s) clearly travelled fast because Rocky the dog also stopped in for some cuddles and apparently Hairy Maclary and his friends Bottomley Potts and Schnitzel von Krumm have booked themselves an appointment too.
Thank you to all our new four-legged friends, please come back and visit us again soon!