… we welcome a polite bear to the classroom – Paddington Bear. Our new topic started this week where we will be looking at the comparison between Peru and London. But first, we in to learning all about the bear himself. Alongside the facts, the children drew a picture of Paddington Bear to decorate their posters along with facts and photos.

As the sun shone, 2D went on a lovely riverside walk. We were finding wildlife in nettles, we collected buttercups and the Himalayan Balsam. We found the fur of a badger on a barbed wire fence and discovered it’s habitat. We also saw Flossie’s Mummy walking their dogs!

In maths this week we have been understanding how to use pictograms and retrieving data from them. Miss Gardner’s maths group were busy asking each other what their favourite colour was, their favourite pet or lesson and recording it on pictograms. They then were able to answer questions on the most popular, least popular and were able to work out the difference between the two.