Term Dates / Calendar

Exploring our new Environment!

It has been another lovely week welcoming children into Nursery and Pre School and helping all of the children continue to settle into their new environments. We have explored new areas such as the Early Years garden and even met some of the animals at the farm. The children proved to be very helpful gardeners and very adventurous explorers in the woodland. The children have been beginning some focused carpet sessions and have been exploring different environmental sounds with our ‘listening bags’. The Pre School children have also loved singing counting songs.

We have begun our new topic focus: ‘Home Sweet Home’. We have begun by thinking about families and what a family is. The children have had great fun exploring story books which show how families come in all shapes and sizes.

Exploring our new Environment!, Copthill School
Exploring our new Environment!, Copthill School
Exploring our new Environment!, Copthill School