After finding out about all the various habitats that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, we made different habitats for them in our Forest School session this week. Once we knew that they had been made to feel at home, we headed off for a fabulous clay activity where we made dinosaur impressions. These will be ready to come alive once they are dry enough to be painted. As you can see, it was another fabulous Autumnal day in our beautiful woods.

During our maths lessons this week, we have been continuing to work on our methods for addition and subtraction using 2 and 3 digit numbers. There have been a few problems to solve too! In English we have done some dinosaur story writing which we have loved sharing with each other.
2G undertook some domino team building this week. Miss Gardner set the challenge of arranging the tiles in different positions and shapes to see whether they could fall consecutively. Some super skills were shared and learnt!

Here are our fabulous dinosaur pictures that we made in art this week. We drew and added black outlining and coloured detail to make them look even more realistic! Roaaaaaaar!!

Here’s the dino gallery!

Here’s a little Red Nose Friday treat for Year 2! The children enjoyed some chocolate once they had worked out how we could share them equally. Some great division and fraction helped to achieve this. (We loved the wig that our chocolate helper was wearing!)

Red Nose day brought us out in spots – all for a good cause of course! We loved having the opportunity to take part in the treasure hunt within the school grounds which was planned by our Year 5 pupils. Take a look at our outfits – Pudsey and Blush certainly made an appearance in Year 2 and the teachers loved getting involved too!