This week at Forest School we have been celebrating World Bee Day. We explored how bees pollinate plants and how important this is for the environment. The children had great fun when they pretended to be bees. They were each given a bee finger puppet and brushed up against pretend flowers. This caused their bee puppet to be coated in pollen (mashed cheesy puffs or mashed chocolate biscuits). The children were then given a pipette each, which they used to suck nectar (water with yellow food colouring) out of the flowers. They then emptied their pipette into the honey comb in their hive. We were very impressed with their bee skills! Some of our Pre-School children also met a special bee expert who came into school to discuss how many different foods bees help to grow.

In class, we have been thinking about the importance of taking good care of our teeth. We have been exploring books, sensory play and playdough activities to help reinforce good oral hygiene skills.