When the wind blows – we head out into the woods! Look what we have been up to all in aid of our treasured feathered friends. We are very proud of our new bird feeding areas. It will be interesting to see how much the wildlife is enjoying them too!

Riddle me! It has been all about the riddles this week – we loved writing and sharing our riddles about each other. The children took it in turn to share their riddle and guess who it was! Great fun!

Our famous person this week was Walt Disney. We found out lots of amazing facts about him:

In art, we did some wonderful sponge and splat art of our favourite Disney characters – Minnie and Mickey Mouse. Did you know that Walt Disney originally named who we all know as Mickey Mouse, Mortimer Mouse? It was his wife who thought that Mickey would be a better name! Oh and just how cute do we look in our Minnie and Mickey headbands?!

In maths we have been learning new methods for multiplying and finding out the inverse of the calculations. We know a lot more about division too!

There is a fanfare and sparkling lights accompanying our portraits of our chosen famous people. The rest of the school have been guessing who they are as they look at the painting and read their riddle! Such fun!

Here are the last of the presentations in 2G – such great choices. We have loved learning about them.