The beekeepers have had in house training in the run up to today’s venture to see the apiary for the first time. Once we were gloved, suited and wellybooted we set off to meet Mr Campbell who was ready with the smoker to introduce us to the bees. All was looking good in Hive 1 – we checked the super (where the bees make and store their honey) and could see that they have been busy drawing out the foundation ready to store the honey.
Since swarming season is almost upon us, we set up another hive hoping that a swarm might just decide to make it their new home so that our hive numbers can increase. We have had a spot of bad luck recently and hives have dwindled. Fingers crossed; we hope that our up and coming beekeepers will be a big help in the coming weeks to ensure that all is thriving and our honey crop will be a whopper this spring!