Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. It includes observations by teachers, questioning and discussions, oral and written feedback for learning and more formal standardised testing.
We aim to encourage children to take responsibility for their learning by reviewing and reflecting upon what, and how, they have learned. Children are taught to assess their own learning and that of others. They are expected to respond to feedback and targets set by their teachers.
Assessment isn’t about testing to determine whether a pupil has met an expected standard, but to provide reliable information so each child’s achievements can be celebrated, challenges overcome and next steps planned. Teaching and learning activities are planned to build upon their abilities, challenge them to meet their next steps for learning and to support them when they find something difficult.
How we Formally Assess Children
We use baseline assessments in the autumn term and the EYFS Profile is completed during the summer term.
In 2024, 89% of Copthill’s Reception children achieved a good level of development, compared to 67.7% at national level.
Years 1–6
Children sit standardised tests in English (Progress Test in English) and mathematics (Progress Test in Maths). These assessment papers are linked to the National Curriculum and provide a standardised score which allows us to place each child’s score on a standard scale.
In 2024, the Year 6 children’s average standardised score in English was 108.1. In mathematics it was 107.2, compared to the national average of 100. These results are significantly higher than the national average.
Years 4 and 6 also sit a standardised assessment in science (Progress Test in Science). In 2024, the Year 6 children’s average standardised score in science was 113.5, again significantly higher than the national average.
Years 2-6
Children complete CAT4 cognitive ability tests. These help us learn more about their developed abilities, learning characteristics and implications for teaching.
Our genuine ‘open-door’ policy means that parents can ask for an update regarding their child’s progress at any time.
More formally, parents receive brief interim reports at the end of the autumn term and a detailed written report at the end of the summer term.
Reception-Year 4
Parents are invited to two Parents’ Evenings each academic year, one during the autumn term and the other mid-way through the school year.
Years 5 and 6
Parents are invited to four Parents’ Evenings over the two year period. The first is at the beginning of Year 5, the second mid-way through the year and the third at the end of the summer term of Year 5. Another consultation evening takes place during the second half of the autumn term when the child is in Year 6.