PRE- SCHOOL!! Woohoo! The crowd is going wild, the applause can be heard as far as the International Space Station! Bravo children! You put on the greatest show and are all SUPERSTARS!
It wasn’t just an ordinary Friday afternoon, “oh no it wasn’t!”, it was a magical Friday afternoon where lights twinkled, sheep bah-ed and the aroma of mince pies and mulled wine deliciously wafted across the audience as the stage suddenly came alive with Shepherds and their Sheep, Angels, Innkeepers, Stars, Wise Men, Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus and a Donkey, all singing their hearts out to give us the most wholesome and gloriously festive rendition of the Nativity. You succeeded in leaving every single one of us feeling most Christmassy, especially Father Christmas who left Rudolph and the rest of the team behind to quickly zoom over on the Copthill quad bike to congratulate you all in person! Thank you! Everyone has been practising so very hard over the last weeks and you should all feel super proud of yourselves because you smashed it right out of the ballpark!
And that’s a wrap folks!