Term Dates / Calendar

A Spot Of Spider Spotting!

Pre-School have headed out on some spider spotting strolls this week, using magnifying glasses to help us find Incy Wincy and all his friends.

We searched high, we searched low, we looked inside and out, we were brave and peeked in between and underneath…and guess what? WE FOUND HIM! We actually nearly didn’t as Incy happened to be sneakily minding his own business, hanging upside-down in the roof of the straw house in the woods. Nevertheless, we said “Hello”, informing Incy all about our grand quest. Before heading back to basecamp, we even sang a rendition of his favourite hit (you know, the one featuring The Waterspout and rain), showing off the actions as we went. Incy was so impressed that he nearly fell right out of his web!

As luck would have it, it wasn’t only Incy that we discovered on our spider spotting crusade. Looking into nooks and crannies proved most successful as the children also happened upon a number of Incy’s buddies. We met many millipedes under stones, logs and leaves; a very wiggly worm in the teepee whilst we were having a picnic; snail shells in the long grass; and a lazy ladybird sunbathing in amongst some twigs on the side of the straw house that Incy was residing in. We even managed to catch a tiny spider who enjoyed tickling our hands and fingers as we investigated how quickly it could run with all of those legs! 

The children learned a few fun facts about our new friends along the way too! Mr Campbell informed us of the longest earthworm ever recorded in the UK by gardeners, who decided to call him Dave. Dave is now an exhibit in the Natural History Museum in London for all to see and admire. What an adventure with our magnifying glasses in tow! It was a perfectly wonderful minibeast hullabaloo!

A Spot Of Spider Spotting!, Copthill School