Term Dates / Calendar

A sense of time!

What a fabulous return to school we have had this week! We have kickstarted the last half term in Year 2 with our new topic ‘Going Wild’ and have ventured into the animal kingdom! We have been looking at the important role our senses have on our perception of things by learning what it feels like to rely on our other senses when one is missing. We relied on our sight to work as a team to remember 15 items which was briefly shown to us. Acting as an animal, we had to guess what it was just by using our sight. We drew a picture on to the back

We were given different criterion to place lots of animals within the right group. We did this using our knowledge of animal types. We also had a great time sitting back to back to describe an animal to our partner and from the clues they managed to guess it!

Maths has been all about time this week! We have been busy learning o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past the hour. Goodness it’s a tricky thing to master! We have played some super games to embed our learning and finished the week with a human clock! We made the clock hands and numbers and formed a clock face that could be seen from the fort.

In Forest School this week, we have been building A frame shelters using ropes, strong muscles and tarpaulin. It was a race against time to ensure that they were waterproof as the heavy storms soon arrived (via the buckets filled with water thrown on top of each shelter by Mr Campbell!) It was very exciting! We survived and were rewarded with our snack which we happily ate inside our shelters of course!!