Moon rocks, magnets, marbles, meteors, Mercury, Mars, mummies, mud, marmite (I love it!) and mice (not real ones!) orbited Pre-School this week as we embarked on our very marvellous first ever Read Write Inc session!
We were introduced to Maisie who lives in the mountains who showed us how to stretch the /m/ sound as we say it. We stretched up, we stretched down, we stretched all around- we stretched SO much that the Gummy Bears would be proud of us!
The children were introduced to a new friend who may or may not have arrived by space shuttle… To give you some clues, he is small, shy, a bit slimy and green…yes, you guessed it! It’s the one and only Fred the Frog! Fred is going to help us with all our phonics learning because he’s an expert at sounding words out! Together we also warmed up our Space Pens (aka magic fingers) and had a go at writing /m/, on the rocket floor, in outer space, on our fellow astronaut’s back and on special galaxy boards, remembering to say ‘Maisie, mountain, mountain’ along the way. Magnificent!