Term Dates / Calendar

Witham Hall Cross Country U11

The rain had stopped by the time we walked onto the Witham Hall playing fields for their annual cross country event. With Year 6 away on Bushcraft residential it was up to Year 5 to represent themselves and the school in the U11 races, against six local schools. It was wet underfoot, but conditions were good for running around the 2.5km course. Once the hooter sounded all pre-race nerves were forgotten as the runners sprinted down the field. With plenty of support to cheer them on, our runners seemed determined to stay in the hunt towards the front of the pack. Two long laps and much energy later the finish line was in sight for the customary sprint finish!

Congratulations to all our runners who preformed exceptionally well as individuals, and most noticeably as a very positive and high spirited team! Special mention to Molly and Thomas who lead the way in for Copthill in their respective races!

Witham Hall Cross Country U11, Copthill School
Witham Hall Cross Country U11, Copthill School