Over the summer holidays we have been working hard to develop our classroom into a home from home environment.
Whilst developing the areas we have been taking elements from “The curiosity approach”.
Our room will look very different from a traditional setting. In contrast to the bright colours and paintings you would usually see at a nursery, our room is decorated in neutral tones. This creates a peaceful, tranquil environment which does not distract away from a child’s learning but instead places full focus on the various loose items which children can play with.
Children are essentially going back to basics and using their imagination to work out what the item is. As they are doing so without guidance, this increases their confidence and encourages them to think independently.
We have taken a huge amount of time and love to create an environment for the children. By making the classroom feel familiar and homely, it will be less traumatic for the child when they have to leave their parents. In addition, when children feel relaxed they are more likely to engage in deep learning which allows them to reach their full potential.