Copthill had the best day of Netball at the Sainsbury’s School Games Mixed Tournament. We were so impressed with the way the two teams conducted themselves both on and off the court. With the girls confidence and experience, coupled with the boys ability to see space, long passes and make timely interceptions.
The single loss for the Copthill yellows came against the Copthill greens, in which became the Final with both teams winning all their other fixtures.
Fast play from the yellows and a wonderful goal count of 94 for and just 7 against for the greens showed the strength and depth in the 6 boys and 9 girls that were selected.
We were super proud to finish first and second overall in the Tournament. Well done to all of you. You were excellent!
Player of the Day for Yellows: Moss Hands
Player of the Day for Greens: Felix Horsley